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Found 30331 results for any of the keywords pediatric liver. Time 0.008 seconds.
Pediatric Liver Transplant in India - Dr. Punit SinglaA pediatric liver transplant is a surgery in which the child’s sick liver is removed and replaced by a healthy liver from a donor. The transplant process is carried out when the doctors have tried every other treatment o
Dr. Neelam MohanDr. Neelam Mohan is a renowned pediatrician, gastroenterologist, and hepatologist with over 25 years of experience, known for her groundbreaking work in pediatric liver diseases and transplants. With numerous accolades,
Liver Transplant Surgeon in Pune | Liver Specialist in Pune : Dr. ManoLooking for Liver Specialist in Pune? Dr. Manoj Dongare is one of the best liver transplant surgeon having more than 16 years experience in the field of liver transplant surgery and liver disease treatment.
Liver Transplant and Gastrointestinal (GI) Surgeon in IndiaDr. Punit Singla is one of the best Liver Transplant Surgeon in India, currently working in reputed Liver Transplant hospitals in Delhi, NCR.
Liver Surgery Treatment in India - Dr. Punit SinglaLooking for Best liver surgery doctor in india.? Dr. Punit Singla is the Best Liver Surgery Specialist provide Best Liver Surgery Treatment at Affordable Cost.
Non Surgical Management Of Liver Tumors - Dr. Punit SinglaTrans arterial radio embolization (TARE) is the procedure in which small spheres are deliverd in the liver blood vessels, which selectively affects the liver tumors. Such procedure is indicated in multiple liver tumors,
Liver Transplant - Dr. Punit SinglaA liver transplant is a procedure in which a sick or malfunctioning liver is replaced with all or part of a healthy liver that has been donated. Mostly a healthy liver comes from a deceased organ donor. And sometimes a l
Acute Liver Failure - Dr. Punit SinglaAcute Liver Failure (ALF) occurs when there is a severe injury to the liver in a short span of time (usually within a few days to weeks), leading to a rapid decline in the liver function. The individuals rapidly display
Living Donor Liver Transplant in India- Dr. Punit SinglaMostly organ donations for organ transplants come from people who are no more, but it is different with the liver. Our liver can grow back to its original size from a small piece hence creating more opportunities for a t
Liver Laparoscopic Surgery, Liver Laparoscopic Procedure, LaparoscopicDr. Puneet Singla is the best Liver Laparoscopic Surgeon in India, currently working in reputed hospitals of Noida, Ludhiana, Gwalior and Bareilly, he has done 1500+ liver transplants and surgeries.
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